What Problems Does Grease Trap Cleaning Prevent?

If you have a grease trap in your restaurant kitchen, as you certainly should, then it is important to have a cleaning service come clean out that grease trap periodically. How often? Well, that depends. Most kitchens that do a lot of frying and use a lot of oil need to have theirs cleaned monthly. If you barely fry at all and are careful not to put greasy residue down the drain, you may be able to do it every three months.

Still, why is grease trap cleaning so important? When it comes down to it, grease trap maintenance is intended to prevent three major problems.

1. Clogged Drains and Plumbing Lines

If your grease trap gets too full, the grease will start bypassing the trap and flowing into your plumbing lines. Over time, this will cause your drains to stop draining. A clogged drain in a restaurant kitchen can be a nightmare. You can't wash dishes and you can't wash hands, so you can't serve customers. And clearing the drain when grease is causing the clog is a major endeavor, not just something you can do quickly. Grease trap cleaning ensures there is always space in the grease trap for grease so the grease does not end up in your pipes.

2. Odors

Grease that sits in the grease trap for too long does start to become rancid, just like any grease would. It can then start emitting nasty odors. You really don't want those odors coming into the kitchen; they'll bother your chefs, and if they make their way into the dining areas, your customers won't be pleased! Cleaning the trap more often ensures the grease that is in there is always "fresh" and does not become odorous.

3. Problems in the Public Sewer

Keep in mind that once your grease trap is full, any grease that does not get caught in your own pipes makes its way into the public sewers. Here, it contributes to the formation of so-called fatbergs — big formations of grease and stuff that sticks to them. Fatbergs are a huge problem for sewers, and they cost municipalities a lot to deal with. If you want your sewer tax or fees to stay manageable, it's in your best interest to have your grease trap cleaned before grease can start making its way into the public system.

Grease trap cleaning is simply smart — for you, your clients, and the general public. Contact a company near you to schedule an appointment.
